Embracing the unknown and setting boundaries

Embracing the unknown and setting boundaries

THE I Don't Know MOVEMENT celebrates our individual choices and diverse backgrounds as we navigate our own paths. On the way, we are encouraged to embrace the unknown, and discover the incredible depth of who we truly are. Not knowing who you are is actually an opportunity for growth!

The values and principles of our movement resonate well with the ideas presented in Julia Kristeva's theory of abjection

Abjection is about setting boundaries and saying "no" to things that don't align with our true selves. It's like when you say "no" to a certain situation, a project, or even a person, you're actually taking a step towards knowing yourself better. It's a way of forming your own identity in relation to what you reject.

We often find ourselves in an identity crisis when we aim to please everyone and forget to set boundaries. We wonder, "Who am I really when I'm trying to be everything to everyone?" That's where understanding abjection can be really helpful in our journey of self-discovery. It gives us some relief from the insecurities that come with not knowing who we are.

But here's the thing: nobody really knows exactly who they are. And that's okay! Putting labels on ourselves would only limit our true selves. It's through the process of saying "no" and asserting our boundaries that we get closer to understanding ourselves. And interestingly, every time we wholeheartedly say "yes" to something or someone, we're also saying "yes" to ourselves in a way. We're all interconnected with everything around us, and that's actually something beautiful: We exist in relation to everything else!

By setting boundaries, saying "no" when needed, and being open to authentic "yes" moments, you'll find yourself on a fulfilling journey of self-discovery. And in the end, you'll realize the beauty of your existence in relation to everything and everyone around you.

By Mario Krastev + Chat-GPT