Life is not a ready-made breakfast waiting for us to consume it.

Do-It-Yourself to fit your own purpose!

Past editions



December 7th, 2024


September 7th, 2024


June 1st, 2024


April 6th, 2024


Jan. 27th, 2024


Check the story about the meetup's birth from the unknown

What makes the meetup unique?

Purpose-breakfast meetup

Traditional networking meetup


1. Embrace the unknown by a playful discovery of strengths, passions and opportunities.

2. Experience inclusivity in action

Pre-planned focus within a specific area (e.g., career event for university students, Women@Tech event)


Children's spirit of curiosity and courage

Serious business


Cozy, up to 50 people

Large, > 100 people


From ALL walks of life - from kids and students, to professionals, entrepreneurs and retired, across diverse cultures, religions and backgrounds

Within a domain, age or interest group


Open: Self-set activities (cooking, crafting, writing, dancing, playing theater) by the participants

Fixed: Keynote ➤ Workshops ➤ Panel set by the organisers


At a Cultural Center for Children ⇒ open space full of light, wooden furniture, pillows and colorful resources

Professional setting ⇒ chairs facing a podium, presentation screen, workshop rooms, standing tables

... and

Explorers at word: What did we experience and gain?

click on each image to enlarge it

ANTON 24 years old

I felt really grateful to myself for going there. This has stayed with me and I feel I want to try more of these things, even when it feels a bit awkward before going there, with this feeling of not knowing what to expect, this uncertainty. It was definitely worth it!

Go there! They don't tell you what to do or not, just take the first step and you’ll find something to enjoy. That’s the important thing.

FABIAN 25 years old

It was such a nice environment and it felt really a place outside of society. Like there didn’t have to be anything on your mind.

I think there’s a great balance to be found between meeting expectations and still trying to be a kid.

Yeah, definitely go if you’re in the city. It’s a nice place, nice people. It makes you stop in your tracks and think.